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Rye Newcomers and Neighbors Club

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

7:30 pm

Rye, New York


Home of Fabienne Schwartz

refer to newsletter Rye, New York

phone: 914-777-8090

Bunco is an easy game of chance which involves nothing more than a roll of the dice. While you are rolling, you are meeting new friends, enjoying delicious appetizers and desserts, and having a great time! Each month Bunco players convene at the home of a volunteer Bunco hostess and supply $10 to the game and bring either an appetizer, beverage or dessert. At the end of each evening, the cash is divided amongst three winners. If you join our mailing list, you will be invited each month but there is no commitment - just please come whenever you can! Please RSVP at email on newsletter or contact us for the November event or to be added to the mailing list.

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